A Killer Lower Abs Workout For 8 Pack Abs

A proper lower abs workout is what separates good abs from great abs. The hallmark of an amazing physique these days are 6 pack abs. While 6 pack abs are a great thing to shoot for, why not aim for 8 pack abs. Here is how that is accomplished.
Various Leg Raises Are the "Holy Grail" of Ripped Abs!
Nothing will create a hard washboard stomach like leg raises. Crunches don't even come close. Honestly, I am not sure when people forgot about this exercise, but it needs to form the foundation of your ab workout. Not only is it the best lower abs workout. This is the best way to get ultra-strong contractions in your abs, which is the goal to etch out ab definition.
Ever Seen a Prison Yard?
I have never seen a prison yard live in person, but I have noticed that convicts have some of the most ripped physiques known to man. In a book called "Convict Conditioning", the author Paul Wade explains that guys who are locked up focus on hanging leg raises as their main ab exercise. He says that by the time a prisoner can do 4-5 sets of 15-20 strict reps of hanging leg raises with their legs straight, they typically have ridiculously ripped abs.
Before You Ever Consider Another Ab Exercise, Master Hanging Leg Raises
Not only is this the best lower abs workout, this will work your entire abdominal region. Since you are hanging from a bar, you will develop the detail muscles of the midsection as well. It is best to progress slowly and work your way up to hanging leg raises. Don't move to the next tougher exercise until you fully master the previous one. All it will take is 4-5 total sets performed 2 times per week to eventually develop 8 pack abs.
1) Lying Leg Raises 5 X 20: Lay on a padded mat on your back and lift your legs so that your feet are directly above you hips. Slowly lower your legs so that your feet almost hit the ground. Raise them back up to above your hips and repeat. Work up to 4 sets of 20 reps. If this is too challenging, do this with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle first then work up to doing them with your legs straight. Your lower abs will be screaming on sets 4 and 5, no matter how strong you get at these.
2) Hanging Knee Ups 4 X 20: Grab an overhead bar and slowly raise your knees until your upper legs break a 90 degree angle. Lower your knees back down. This will feel hard at first because your hip flexors will be a weak point. Your grip may also be weak. Avoid the temptation to use wrist wraps, because you want to be functionally fit and develop strong forearms as well.
3) Hanging Leg Raises 4 X 20: Grab an overhead bar and with your legs straight or knees slightly bent raise your legs until you break a 90 degree angle with your body and legs. If your hamstrings are tight stretch them out before this exercise. The key is to do this in a slow ad controlled manner. My guess is less than 1% of the gym population have strong enough abs to do these properly. If this is tough, you can first master the exercise with your legs bent close to 90 degrees. The straighter your legs are the harder this becomes.
Become "Master of the Leg Raise" for 8 Pack Abs!
It goes without saying that your body fat levels need to be low enough to reveal your abs. Simply diet hard and get to a low body fat level and master the single best ab exercise known to man. This is your fast track to 8 pack abs. No need to look further. Just 4-5 sets of this exercise is easily the best lower abs workout.

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How to Build Your Body Without a Gym 2

Building your body without a gym takes creativity. Luckily, the weight of the body alone offers enough resistance to target a majority of your muscles. Use it in conjunction with household items to build your body at home. During this process, follow a regimented diet plan that is high in healthy foods and low in empty-calorie foods. Your body needs high-octane fuel to function at peak levels with your workouts.

Step 1

Lie on your stomach to do push-ups. Align your feet together behind you and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push yourself off the floor, lift your butt and form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels by contracting your abs. Maintain this posture as you lower your chest toward the floor. Push yourself back up and repeat 10 to 12 times. Start out doing these on your knees if they are too difficult on your feet.

Step 2

Execute a set of pike presses to work your shoulders and back. Place your feet together on a chair and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor. You will be in a push-up position at this point. Keep your back, legs and arms straight as you walk your hands backward and lift your hips in the air to form an inverted angle with your body. Maintain this angle as you bend your elbows and lower your head toward the floor. Stop when your forehead is an inch above the floor, push back up and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions. Place your knees on the chair if these are too difficult on your feet.

Step 3

Position two chairs face to face and slightly wider than the length of your legs apart to do dips for your triceps. Stand with your back to one chair, bend down and grasp the edges with your hands. Prop your feet up on the other chair and scoot your butt forward. Lower yourself down by bending your arms and stop when your upper arms parallel the floor. Push back up steadily and repeat 10 to 12 times.

Step 4

Grab a pair of full one-gallon water jugs to do squats. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the jugs at your sides. Keep your core tight and back straight as you lower your butt toward the floor by bending your knees. Stop when your thighs parallel the floor; stand back up and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.

Step 5

Hold one water jug in front of your stomach to do lunges with twists. Step forward with your right foot, lower yourself into a lunge and twist your torso to your right while moving the jug to your right hip. Stand back up, step forward with your left foot and repeat to your left side. Alternate back and forth with each lunge until you've done 10 to 12 reps with both sides.

Step 6

Perform alternating supermans for your butt, lower back, shoulders and abs. Lie face down on the floor with your arms straight in front of you and legs together behind you. Raise your right arm and left leg in the air as high as possible, lower them down and repeat with your opposite side. Alternate back and forth in a steady motion for 10 to 12 repetitions. Hold each high point for a full second.

Step 7

Lie on your back to do fingers to toes crunches. Lift your legs straight in the air so your feet parallel the ceiling and raise your arms straight above your chest with your palms open. Raise your torso in the air and try to touch your toes with your fingers. Squeeze your abs forcefully, slowly lower yourself back down and repeat 12 to 15 times.
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Best Workout Supplements for Men

Top 10 Workout Supplements for Men

You want to accelerate your beach body results and you’re having a hard time doing it so you ask “what are the best workout supplements for me to take?” Well my first answer to your question might not be what you want to hear…
But here it is anyway, take it like a “MAN”! If you’re not eating healthy at least 5 days of the week then no supplement in the world is going to give you the results you want unless you are blessed with some kind of genetic predisposition. And those of you who are, long-term unhealthy eating will catch up to you and lead to a number of pretty serious health problems you really don’t want to deal with.
With that said it doesn’t mean you have to eat dried up un-tasty foods.  At the end of this article I will post a link to many healthy recipes to help you boost your workout results.
Ok enough of that! No matter how much I stress healthy diets, I know most of us want to try supplementation to our diets to boost our workout efforts. Stop feeling guilty about that, it’s totally natural and anyone who says that you should stay away from all supplements, well they probably haven’t done much research or are just too jaded to see how they can help.
I’ve done a ton of research in this area for the past decade and I think this list will really help you get a pretty comprehensive overview of the top 10 workout supplements for men and I’ll include the links for the lowest prices on these.
List of Best Workout Supplements for Men
1. Whey Protein Powder: Without a doubt whey protein powder is the most clean, natural and effective supplement when it comes to muscle building and fat loss. It helps provide all the essential amino acids to our muscles and I have directly spoken to some highly renowned researchers in this area and they have confirmed the validity of these claims. One doctor had even mentioned that hospitals have been giving it to their patients after surgery to help speed up recovery.The top selling whey protein powder in the industry is Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey which I have in my kitchen, but I have to say that Gaspari Nutrition has also been really impressing me with the quality of all their supplements! I recently got a 5lb container of their Myofusion Chocolate Milk and mixing it with some natural peanut butter and half a banana makes it one of the best protein shakes

2. Multi Vitamins for Men: If you have a healthy diet full of lean meats, veggies, fruits and beans then chances are you are getting all your vitamins. But the thing is that if you’re working out then your body most likely needs more vitamins to help recover after strenuous workouts. I think it’s a safe bet to make sure you get all the required vitamins by taking a daily supplement.One of the most revered men’s daily vitamins is the Universal Animal Pak. It is extra comprehensive and even covers some BCAA’s, and antioxidants for quite an affordable price.
3. Creatine:Creatine is another natural supplement that is hands down one of the most effective to enhance your muscle building results. There has been more research on this one supplement probably more than any other I have seen and even Olympic level athletes are taking it. It’s naturally found in meat, but having enough to help us in our workouts is pretty challenging unless you are eating tons of meat, so the supplement really makes sense. The way creatine works is pretty simple, it just helps our bodies store and use more energy especially in intense situations, in other words helps you get in one or two last repetitions. The top selling and award-winning creatine complex is ProMera Health Con-Cret as it contains an impressive blend to help with uptake. Here is the link -ProMera Health Con-Cret.

4. Pre-workout energy drink- If motivation is even slightly a problem for you then a pre-workout energy drink is a pretty great solution to giving you the boost you need. They usually contain caffeine, NO2 (nitric oxide), and a number of metabolism charging compounds to give you an energy rush. The one that I recommend the most is a new guy in town which takes your pre-workout nutrition way way up into the next stratosphere – Muscle Pharm Assault. The orange-mango flavour is so freaking good too! Try this especially if you are going to play a sport and watch your coordination and agility improve tremendously. Here is the link – Muscle Pharm Assault. Many guys also like BSN’s NO-Xplode which gives a crazy vascular pump (meaning your muscles will get engorged with blood and look twice their size)! Here is the link – BSN N.O.-Xplode 2.0. A little secret – try mixing half a scoop of each together!!!

5. BCAA’s and Glutamine- BCAA’s also known as branch chained amino acids include 3 of the 8 essential amino acids our body need to make muscle: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Whenever we workout our body breaks down some of our muscle to create these amino acids for fuel, so supplying BCAA’s can help spare our muscles from being broken down. Because of this they are very popular supplementation for strength training athletes and are even given to patients recovering from cancer because of their positive effects. Glutamine is another amino acid that has a primary role of protein synthesis and as a cellular energy resource. Combined with BCAA’s, creates a highly effective post-workout supplement.One of the leaders in the industry for BCAA & Glutamine is Scivation Xtend, and is highly popular in the mixed martial arts arena because of their intense training. Here is the link – Scivation Xtend.

6. Natural Sleep Supplement – You should know by now from reading many of the articles on this site how important sleep is to your muscle muscle building efforts. This is the time when our muscles repair, recover and grow and if you’re not getting a rich deep sleep you are robbing yourself of the best results possible. A new supplement which is getting a lot of attention for increasing quality of sleep is Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof. It includes a proprietary blend of GABA, ZMA and Glutamine. Here is the link – Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof.

7. Casein Protein- what’s so special about Casein protein compared to whey protein? Simple, our body takes longer to digest it so it supplies the protein almost like a natural time-release. This is great because it prevents drops in our amino acids and keeps a steady state of amino acids provided to our muscles. The best time to take this is a about an hour or two before bed so our body can digest it gradually while we sleep.You may have heard of it’s great taste, and easily the top Casein protein supplement in the industry is Cytosport’s Muscle Milk. The interesting thing is that if you are allergic to lactose, you don’t have to worry because it contains zero lactose. Another great new feature is that it is low in calories so you can take this even if your goal is strictly fat loss

8. Joint Support- Along side Omega 3′s, Glucosamine is a supplement which used to support flexibility and mobility of our joints. Research has already shown that the more flexible we are the greater range of motion our joints and muscles have which means better results when strength training. Furthermore, if you have knee, shoulder or back pain you may want to experiment supplementing with this natural product (generally found in shells of shellfish and animal bone marrow).A pretty cool joint support supplement which includes Glucoasmine, Chondroitin and Flaxseed Oil is Universal Animal’s Animal Flex.
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3 Diets That Work Fast

There are a lot of diets that work fast on the market these days, but I have to tell you that I have been pretty happy these past few months with my own personal diet.
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Dynamic Procedure for Getting 6 Pack Abs

A common question that all body builders ask what is the process for getting 6 pack abs?
Nowadays it is a style to build the body maintains the shape of 6 pack abs. People try many sorts of ways to get the desired result. But sometimes that all process may not perfect for getting 6 pack abs. So we have to follow some vital training sessions.
The most important one is High Intensity Interval of Training (HIIT) session.
A person always consults with doctor firstly before starting any kind of high intensity workout exercise program. The high intensity workout training programs might not be suggested for people with confident health conditions.
With the HIIT, a person are still doing the cardio activities such as jogging, swimming, biking, etc. but a person also have some short bursts of strength where he goes nearly fast as he can for the short time, after that slow back along to the normal pace. A person will repeat the sequence over 20 or 30 minutes session.
Some years ago a Canadian revise has been done which set out to evaluate fat loss effects of the slow-steady condition cardio routines versus the HIIT.
It is something completely clear to a person, a person will never get a rock hard-ripped of 6 pack abs through slaving away for many hours on a treadmill or some other cardio type equipments. Too much cardio may even hurt a person as the body can begin fueling itself through cannibalizing the lean muscle.

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