Step 1
Lie on your stomach to do
push-ups. Align your feet together behind you and place your hands
slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push yourself off the floor,
lift your butt and form a straight line from your shoulders to your
heels by contracting your abs. Maintain this posture as you lower your
chest toward the floor. Push yourself back up and repeat 10 to 12 times.
Start out doing these on your knees if they are too difficult on your
Step 2
Execute a set of pike presses
to work your shoulders and back. Place your feet together on a chair and
your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor. You
will be in a push-up position at this point. Keep your back, legs and
arms straight as you walk your hands backward and lift your hips in the
air to form an inverted angle with your body. Maintain this angle as you
bend your elbows and lower your head toward the floor. Stop when your
forehead is an inch above the floor, push back up and repeat for 10 to
12 repetitions. Place your knees on the chair if these are too difficult
on your feet.
Step 3
Position two chairs face to
face and slightly wider than the length of your legs apart to do dips
for your triceps. Stand with your back to one chair, bend down and grasp
the edges with your hands. Prop your feet up on the other chair and
scoot your butt forward. Lower yourself down by bending your arms and
stop when your upper arms parallel the floor. Push back up steadily and
repeat 10 to 12 times.
Step 4
Grab a pair of full one-gallon
water jugs to do squats. Stand with your feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart and hold the jugs at your sides. Keep your core
tight and back straight as you lower your butt toward the floor by
bending your knees. Stop when your thighs parallel the floor; stand back
up and repeat for 10 to 12 repetitions.
Step 5
Hold one water jug in front of
your stomach to do lunges with twists. Step forward with your right
foot, lower yourself into a lunge and twist your torso to your right
while moving the jug to your right hip. Stand back up, step forward with
your left foot and repeat to your left side. Alternate back and forth
with each lunge until you've done 10 to 12 reps with both sides.
Step 6
Perform alternating supermans
for your butt, lower back, shoulders and abs. Lie face down on the floor
with your arms straight in front of you and legs together behind you.
Raise your right arm and left leg in the air as high as possible, lower
them down and repeat with your opposite side. Alternate back and forth
in a steady motion for 10 to 12 repetitions. Hold each high point for a
full second.
Step 7
Lie on your back to do fingers
to toes crunches. Lift your legs straight in the air so your feet
parallel the ceiling and raise your arms straight above your chest with
your palms open. Raise your torso in the air and try to touch your toes
with your fingers. Squeeze your abs forcefully, slowly lower yourself
back down and repeat 12 to 15 times.