Best Diet for Flat Stomach

Many people believe that exercise is the best way to get rid of that podgy belly. But if they only do a small amount of research they would realise that to burn off 800 calories you would need to exercise for nearly 2 hours! Now who in this face paced world has got that amount of time to dedicate to exercise? I know I haven't.
The key to gaining a slim waist is diet. And that doesn't mean "going on a diet" as such, but to simply cut out those problem foods and increase your intake of good foods such as fruit and vegetables. This is the best diet for a flat stomach.
Of course if you really want to go that extra mile and "tone" your newly found abdominal muscles then sure, do some intelligent exercise.
So listed below is my top tips to design a diet for flat stomach.
Here goes:
• Water. How easy is that one? But I bet you don't drink enough. You may not know this but not drinking enough water can lead to bloating, because drinking at least 2 litres of water a day will flush out those toxins, improve your digestive system and can even reduce fluid retention! Who would have thought it?
• Whole grains. Eating whole grain foods such as flax seeds and quinoa will make you feel fuller, quicker as they contain more protein. Plus evidence shows that they can even help flatten your stomach. You can use quinoa instead of oats for an easy breakfast.
• Green Tea is another great way to speed up your metabolism. It also contains antioxidant which will make a great alternative to fizzy, sugary drinks. You can even knock up an iced green tea for the summer.
• Almonds. These simple nuts contain huge amounts of protein and fibre, plus vitamin D which are another antioxidant. Almonds are a great addition to your diet for a flat stomach as they contain magnesium which has been proven to regulate blood sugar.
OK so now onto exercise. What are the best exercises to add to your diet for a flat stomach? It's a lot easier than you thought. And the key to exercising "smart" not "hard" is interval training. Interval training is simple. In easy terms you just go all out for 30 seconds and then slow right down for 30 seconds. How easy is that? So no more doing endless sit ups, press ups or crunches, and no more jogging for hours and hours around the local park. Research into fat burning has shown that "spot toning" that is targeting on specific areas of your body in the hope to just burn fat from those areas does not work. What you need to do is to speed up your metabolism and interval training will help with that.
So here is my list of easy interval training activities:
• Hill Sprints
• Swimming
• Boxing/Kicking a punch bag
• Cycling
So there you have it. Remember to avoid those high fat, high sugar foods and drinks and stick to you plan.
Jacob Travis James
If you are really serious about losing weight and gaining that flat stomach that you have always craved then look no further. I have found the best diet for a flat stomach.

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