How To Build Abs Fast In The Right Way - 3 Essential Steps To Help You Get Started

I often hear people asking how to build abs fast and get ripped. And you must be wondering is there really a way to build abs fast? The answer is "YES" by following the 3-steps system below you will be on the right track to get your abs in no time. And I want to emphasize here that the fastest way is to start doing it right at the beginning.
1. Body Fat Measurement - First thing first, in order for anyone of us to get those sexy abs to start appearing on our body we must first cut down our body fat percentage to at least 13 percent or lower for men and, 20 percent or lower for women.
This means before you do anything please go to your local gym and get a body fat measurement to see how much body fat you have on your existing body. You will then have a clear picture on how much fat you need to lose.
We can now start planning proper workout plan and diet plan that best fit for you. Hence forth we can track your progression from time to time, meaning if you've done whatever you think you should and still not seeing the result, than you know something went wrong. You should correct and revise what you did wrong.
2. Right Exercises - You need to learn appropriate exercises on how to build abs fast, e.g. after burn exercise, cardio exercises and weight training exercise.
So far the most effective exercise is after burn exercise. It helps you to burn calories even after you finish workout. It silently continues to burn calories for as long as 48 hours (depends on how long and what exercises you do). One of the tricks is to target as many muscle groups as possible during the workout session (without breaks) for 20 - 30 minutes. For example you can include jump squats, burpees, dumbbell chest press, push up, barbell squats, leg press and more in one workout session. Just select a medium weight dumbbell or any prop suitable for you. The rule is to keep moving from exercise to exercise with 10 -12 repetition for each type of exercise. Repeat the entire session 2-3 times. Remember to breathe properly when exercise and do not rush.
Once you have lower your body fat to a certain low percentage and have a flat stomach, then you can start doing sit up and crunches to workout on your abs.
And one important advice, never ever do sit up or crunches if you have fat belly. It will get even bigger once your abs muscle growing bigger from the inside of your tummy that is covered with fat. Imagine adding 2 - 3 inches more on your waist line.
3. Eat Right - Last but not least, we all know that eating the right food or diet plays a huge impact not only on increasing the results for building abs fast but also help us stay healthy and energetic always. The key factors are to avoid fatty foods and saturated sugar after the workouts (especially within 1 hour after workout). This will spoil all your hard work in a second as your body will absorb everything you consume more effectively than usual.
Generally, you must remember to drink more water to keep your-self hydrated and get out of hungry mode. By doing this you will give yourself more energy and also to avoid eating more. Once you are eating less you consume lesser calories, with lesser calories in your body meaning lesser fat will be stored. And this will directly lower down your body fat in no time and will help get the flat abs or ripped abs faster.
I hope you love what you read so far and get the idea on how to build abs fast. You have just learnt three proven strategies that you can use immediately. Be sure to use these proven strategies because they do work and i personally have used them successfully to help lower down my body fat and get a flat abs within a month

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