Food That Burns Fat - Burn Abdominal Fat

Let's get blunt. The main reason people are fat and unable to burn fat consistently is due to the kinds of foods they eat. It really isn't your fault though. As our society continues to automate to meet the demands of peoples busy lives, we seem to forget to slow down and really think about the foods we are putting into our bodies.
By eating the right foods, you will begin to burn abdominal fat, and it won't take a lot of effort. The basic principles you need to take away from this are: 1) know the foods that create accelerated fat burning in order to burn abdominal fat; 2) know the particular foods that prevent you from burning fat, and how to avoid them; 3) eat the right foods and begin to burn abdominal fat immediately.
A good first step is - if the product has an ingredient list, chances are you shouldn't be eating it. This goes for anything packaged in a box, can, or bottle. Truth is, those foods don't even have 1/10 of their original nutritional value. These products are loaded with hydrogenated oils and sugars and are heavily processed - all of which will make it almost impossible to burn fat and lose weight.
The exceptions to this are foods like: eggs, steak, chicken, raw nuts, and fish. These packaged foods are okay to eat. And if you can get them organically raised, that's even better.
Basically fruits and vegetables are fair game. Here are a few foods that burn fat, that you can start enjoying today.
Spinach. Remember those cartoons of Popeye? Well he was right to include Spinach in his diet. Its' low in calories and high in nutrients, and research shows that it aids to prevent age-related macular degeneration and some cancers. Spinach is also considered a Superfood which makes it a great food to burning fat.
Walnuts. Raw nuts are a great source of protein and fiber. It's important to have some source of high-quality protein in your diet to maintain muscle tissue while eating foods to burn fat. They are also high in Vitamin E and Omega-3. Eating unprocessed nuts are a great way to get heart healthy saturated fats in your diet.
Honey. Sugar is your number one enemy when it comes to burning stomach fat. Honey is the exception as it contains antioxidants that prevent the effects of free radicals. We are exposed to free radicals all day from air pollutants, tobacco smoke, even radiation. Honey also contains oligasaccharides, which increase the number of good bacteria in the colon. Color is relevant to honey. Thus, the darker the honey the more antioxidants it contains.
Salmon. Chocked-full of Omega-3 fatty acids, this tasty fish is a great and protein-rich. Omega-3 is beneficial to heart health. The best salmon is wild caught as opposed to farm-raised. Farm-raised salmon has been shown to contain elevated levels of contaminants and is artificially colored - due to the pellets the fish are fed.
Dark Chocolate. It's true, dark chocolate contains important antioxidants and can help to reduce blood pressure. Remember, that darker is better as the processing strips the chocolate of some of its health benefits. Do keep you chocolate intake low, due to the fats and calories.
Blueberries. Tasty and sweet are a great addition to your smoothies. They also contain high levels of antioxidants. These are one of many fruits that burn fat. They are also a Superfood at burning fat and have been shown to improve urinary tract health.


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