Abs Worckout And Nutrition

Nutrition Tips:

Overeating can spell disaster if you are trying to get into the best shape of your life. As most excess weight tends to settle in the abdominal area, to get a well-defined six pack, you need to have a very low amount of extra fat on your body. The good news is, there is an easy way to keep from filling up on junk throughout the day - drink plenty of water! There is an old adage that you need five glasses of water per day to survive, eight glasses to thrive and 10 to rehydrate. While this is a good general rule of thumb, a more scientific approach can give you even better results. Take your body weight in pounds and drink half of that number in ounces each day. Sound complicated? Well, it's not! For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, then be sure to drink 100 ounces of water each day. As you can see, you may be drinking more than 10 glasses per day, but you will see the difference in your six pack definition by doing so.
Of course, nutrition is key when it comes to getting a six pack, and eating certain foods and taking certain vitamins and minerals can really help you to achieve your goal much faster. Foods that are high in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables can help when it comes to getting ripped. Also, focus on eating foods that are low in fat and, when it comes to carbs, focus on foods that are higher in complex carbs as opposed to simple carbs as these can really help you when getting ripped!
Overeating can spell disaster if you are trying to get into the best shape of your life. As most excess weight tends to settle in the abdominal area, to get a well-defined six pack, you need to have a very low amount of extra fat on your body. The good news is, there is an easy way to keep from filling up on junk throughout the day - drink plenty of water! There is an old adage that you need five glasses of water per day to survive, eight glasses to thrive and 10 to rehydrate. While this is a good general rule of thumb, a more scientific approach can give you even better results. Take your body weight in pounds and drink half of that number in ounces each day. Sound complicated? Well, it's not! For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, then be sure to drink 100 ounces of water each day. As you can see, you may be drinking more than 10 glasses per day, but you will see the difference in your six pack definition by doing so.

You can have the perfect workout routine, but if you keep eating a high sugar, high carb, and high fat diet, you will not get the six-pack abs you want. You may get more "fit" or maybe a bit "stronger" but you won't lose the fat necessary to rip and show those abs - unless you have an exceptional metabolism, in which case you probably wouldn't be reading this. You would also be much less healthy, so either way, a good diet

In today's article I'm going to show you the best and my favorite technique for working out your abs.
The renegade dumbbell rows is a great technique to complement a six pack abs workout. Start by getting into the pushup position with your hands on the two dumbbells instead. Now take one dumbbell and row it, while stabilizing your body with the other dumbbell. This effect will workout your entire midsection core, and boy will you feel it! Make sure to alternate each arm and stabilize your body with the alternate arm.

Now lets move on to the next workout, the front squats with barbell. A front squat is very similar to the back squat except that the barbell is in front of your body rather then in back. You want to set up the barbell so that its positioned on the front of your shoulders rather then the back of them. The way that you are going to stabilize your body is by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar while managing your elbows out in front of the body.

This will take a little practice and won't come naturally at first, but with some time and effort I guarantee it will. Ask for some help by a trainer at first to make sure that your form is correct. Front squats requires stabilization, and this stabilization strength comes from your abs due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front rather then focused on your back. This so called leg exercise is a great way to help form and shape your abdominal area. Just wait until the following day after your workout and you'll be sure to feel it.

Start your vigorous training session by including effective lower abdominal exercises. Your lower abdominal muscles should be working harder than any other muscle group. While you are doing abdominal workouts, you should feel the stretch and slight soreness in your muscles; this indicates your muscles have been properly worked out.
Hanging knee raises are one of the best exercises for working your abs. You do them while you are hanging which also strengthens your grip muscle. Do them by grabbing a hold of a pull up bar. Keep your body straight and then lift your knees up to touch your chest and back down again.
Finaly I guarantee if you follow those steps your abdominal muscles will be soar tomorrow
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Choose The Best Diet Plan for You

We know that the holidays are just lurking and will turn up pretty soon. It would not be long before we get invitations for dinners and cocktails. Other than thinking about what to wear for that swanky soiree, we know what else most of you are worried about the most: D-I-E-T. The holidays, it seems, is the best time to test your willpower when it comes to your diet regimen.

However, diet experts believe that for successful diet plans, it should be realistically attainable for every individual. There are plenty of different diet programs to choose from, and you can get easily overwhelmed with the many choices you have. Although there are diet plans that promises weight loss hunger-free, workout-free and with quick results, these things should not cloud your judgment in selecting the one that will work best for you. There are a number of factors that can influence the possibility of a successful weight loss plan:

Failed diet programs in the past

Have you tried a diet in the past that failed? Why did you think it failed? What is it about the diet that made you lose your motivation? Was it because of restrictive food choices? Or perhaps the diet gave you constant hunger pangs? Determining the reasons of past diet failures will help you understand your dieting strengths and weaknesses, and will help you make a better, more effective diet program.

Consider your budget

People often think that when one is on a diet, they are actually saving money because they spend less for food. While this premise might have a hint of truth about it, certain diet plans will in fact cause one to spend extra for meals that are specially prepared to follow a diet program. Others will even require a special diet supplement, and then some will call for regular support meetings. Do you think your budget fits the cost of a diet program?

Your Schedules

Do you have the time to shop and prepare foods that the diet plan asks you to follow? If not, then you know it's not going to work for you.

Know the diet program developer

Is the diet plan developed by a qualified person? Is the diet based on scientific research? Again, if the answer is doubtful, you know it's probably not going to work for you and for everybody else.

Get your support system

Getting support from other groups on diet will help you improve your focus and determination to succeed with a diet plan.

These are the basic factors that you have to consider before starting out any diet regimen. Do not forget to visit your doctor for advice regarding any diet that you would want to try, especially if you are suffering from such conditions as heart ailments or diabetes. A wrong choice of diet program might do you more bad than good so always check with your doctor first. Your doctor can also help you to set your goals when it comes to weight-loss plans.
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The Best Fat Burner - Truth About Abs

Truth about Abs is in fact becoming more and more critically acclaimed and popular in the world of abdominal programs as of this day. This is a diet and fitness program that has continuously getting excellent and positive reviews from all of its real users. You will find these good reviews both on diet and fitness forums as well as on popular websites that provide honest information on the various programs that came out. This particular review should help you in making your decision of whether or not to go for this program.
If you are one of those in search for the best diet and fitness program that really works, then reading this review will really help you make the best decision for your needs. If you want to have access to a much fitter, healthier, and improved new you, then your ticket to this is definitely to easy follow the diet and fitness program that the Truth About Abs is promoting. You can rest assured this may just be one of the best things that you will do in order for you to achieve not only a fitter body.

What is the truth?What we have all known ever since deep in our heart of hearts, that there is really no magic pills or supplements that is going to give us six pack abs happen without the effort needs on your part. Book author Mike Geary who is both Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutrition Specialist explains how the body works clearly and concisely in a question and answer format about fat storage and their usage.
Once you read through it, you really don't need to have why all these "fat buster" supplements are scams explained but fortunately he kindly does so anyway. This is very important because Mike Geary begins to unravel why these so-called products manage to sucker in many intelligent people who know much better on such a regular and billion dollar business way. They play on our bad insecurities about youth and beauty and attractiveness that all come together in this strange desire to have six pack abs.
The Exercise Fictions
Mike Geary then goes ahead to review in The Truth About Abs, just how useful and very effective every workout programs and targeted exercise are. He disproves some old beliefs about losing weight and strengthens the abs. The very first thing he goes after, which will make people so very happy, is how doing long sessions of work or types of cardio are going to do next to nothing for your abs.
The body, he indicates, adapts. That is why humankind has survived for so long. It stores fats for times of high physical stress when it needs added fuel. It burns that fuel for just long enough to acclimate to the new level of body stress and then the extra fuel is no longer needed. For those of you who have been running as a method of weight loss, for instance, this translates into only your first few weeks of running being of any use to you. Unless you are continually changing the nature and level of intensity of your work out then your body is adjusting and adapting to it and its no longer a fat burning source.
The Program
The best thing about Truth about Abs is that when Mike Geary gets down to laying out the best plan for you to follow to get the desired six pack abs muscles or simply a flatter stomach, it isn't like a "one size fits all methodology approach. He introduces a variety of choices for exercise, diet lifestyle changes that are part into categories for men and women. I can say it's like picking a customized workout method from an a la carte menu. You will get something that particularly tailored especially to you that is practically doable and effective. His eBook and presentations are very clear, professional and well written. Truly, there is no one person who buy this program that will badly fail to get the desired abs they want if they just follow what Mike Geary explains.
Compared with different diet and fitness programs that only focus on working out the stomach or abs muscles, this particular Truth About Abs program from Mike Geary is a very much effective, in terms of overall results that everyone expects. This is because of the fact that it does not only focus on exercising the abs muscle, but it is likewise designed to help you attain a leaner and harder body form in a short limited of time.
If you desire not just to have fantastic 6-pack abs, but likewise to become more fitter and overall healthier, then this program is simply the right one for you. Everything that you wish for will be accomplished by following this particular and exceptional diet and weight loss program.
One of the main reasons as to why most people are highly recommending this excellent fitness program is because it is simply not just like any other known workout gimmicks. The Truth About Abs is scientifically designed to provide you with the most extensive and comprehensive exercises, effective dietary guidelines, and very efficient fitness routines. Combined all of these together, these three main factors will surely give your body a fuller workout experience that, aside from helping you develop the six pack abs you have dreamed of, will also help you have an improved overall health.

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Find the Right Weight Loss Tips And Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan

If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.

It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.

You should also distinguish between your long-term and your short-term goals, and make sure that they do not conflict with each other. Each short-term goal that you achieve should represent real progress toward one of your long-term goals. As you achieve more and more short-term goals, you can revise your long-term goals to be more ambitious if you are doing particularly well.

As you work, keep your goals in mind and focus on them. Try to remove any distractions from your life that will prevent you from being fully committed to your goals. The more focused and motivated you are, the more likely you will be to reach your goals and achieve that ideal body that you have always wanted.

It is important to remember that weight loss does not happen instantly. You are not going to wake up the next day and suddenly weigh twenty or thirty pounds less. Weight loss requires real effort over a long period of time. If you want to be able to keep the weight off for the rest of your life, you have to be willing to make real changes to your lifestyle so that you do not fall into bad habits.

When you choose a weight loss plan, you are not making a lifetime commitment to it. If one plan is not giving you the results you need, feel free to make any adjustments that you need and see if those work better for you. If you are just not happy with a plan after a while, try a different one. The important thing is to commit yourself to the goal of good health, not to stick to a single plan even if it does not work well for you.

To successfully lose the weight and get yourself in better shape, you need to have a plan that will really work. If you do not know what you are doing, it is all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain. By using the ideas in the preceding article, you can finally get rid of that extra weight and keep it off over the long-term.
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Fast Weightloss Tips

Here are ten fast weight loss tips that's going to give you the results that you've been looking for. So be sure to follow them step by step. You are going to be shocked at how fast you can achieve your goal. It does not matter which tips you decide to follow, just be sure to do them.
First Tip - Drink lot's of water. The trick to drinking water is simple not keeping drinks in the refrigerator full of sugar. You will be surprised of the weight that you will lose by substituting water for drinks.
Second Tip - Don't keep foods in your home that you know are fattening. It's very easy to pick up some potato chips or a candy bar, when it's right in front of you! Exchange these items for some fruit.
Third Tip - Involve your family into your challenge. Their support will be very encouraging. Ask them to help you stay on track while you are on your way to accomplishing your goal.
Fourth Tip - Don't eat large portions of foods. Many times out of habit we over fill our plates. Begin to focus on the amount of food you eat.
Fifth Tip - Don't go to the grocery store hungry. Whenever you do this, it will cause you to pick up foods that's usually not good choices. It's very hard for you to think healthy foods when you are hungry.
Sixth Tip - Omit bread out of your diet. Bread is very fattening. Try making a weight loss meal plan. There are many substitutes that you can use in place of bread
Seventh Tip - Monitor your weight regularly. When you actually see the difference in the mirror, it's very encouraging. There are some creative weight loss products to help you do this
Eighth Tip - Celebrate your accomplishments no matter how small it may seem. Be sure to do something other than over dosing on food. Buy yourself some new clothing or some music you enjoy.
Ninth Tip - Challenge yourself to meet small goals on your way to your big goal. Holding yourself accountable will cause you to reach your big goal faster.
Tenth Tip - Liquid Diet weight loss is a good way to reach your goal too. However, you don't won't to over do it. Be sure to choose wisely. The Lemonade Diet is a very popular one.
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Ripped Abs - How to Quickly Get Ripped Abs

The very idea of getting ripped abs quickly seems like at best far fetched and at worst to be simply impossible. Ripped abs take time to achieve for those who are unhealthy and overweight, but can come quite quickly for those in shape. By following the tips set forth in the following paragraphs you can quickly get ripped abs and be looking your best in absolutely no time at all!
Optimize Your Diet
By doing very simple things like limiting the energy in your diet (i.e. foods high in fat and high in sugar) you can expend the energy you need to overcome your weight. Make sure that your portions are not too large and you are eating in small portions throughout the day to keep your metabolism going. Drink plenty of water during the day to make yourself feel a little bit fuller and your ripped abs may come quicker than you think. To put it simply, optimize your diet by eliminating what you don't need and be smart about what you do eat.
Focus Your Toning
Most people understand that getting ripped abs mean that you have to be in shape first, but what comes after getting into good overall shape? That's exactly right, toning your muscle is where you move to next, but make sure you are fitting in exercises that focus on your abs or ripped abs will be nothing more than a pipe dream. Do plenty of sit ups, crunches, V-ups, leg lifts, and jackknife sit ups in addition to any others you can find that will make your abs burn!
Take Your Supplements
Your multivitamins and minerals are very important to helping your muscle toning and diet optimization go to all the right places. Consider a simple glucosamine supplement to help your joints make it through the exercise process and take vitamin C and E to keep your general health up in the best possible way. These supplements help control your toning and enhance your metabolism so it becomes possible to have well defined, or, ripped abs.
Remember that ripped abs will absolutely not come easily, but following these tips will put you in the best possible situation to get ripped abs quickly!

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Beginner's Guide To Running For Fitness And Weight Loss

Running is one of my favorite ways to get fit. It can become quite addictive as you strive to improve your times and if you stick at it you'll find yourself looking forward to your jog. Its main benefit is to the heart and lungs which will do you the world of good but your lower body will get a tremendous work out as well. A good pair of trainers and some comfortable clothes is all you will need.
There are a number of reasons why you might want to take up running. For a start it burns up a lot of calories. About 600 calories an hour seems average but if your overweight then you may burn considerably more as your having to work harder. You will notice that you feel refreshed and positive after a run and less stressed.
You should seek expert advice before starting any strenuous exercise. The main thing is to start of slowly in order to give your body time to adapt and if you have not exercised in some time it is a good idea to do a few weeks of hiking or walking. See my article on walking for fitness and weight loss. Then you can try some short bursts of jogging in your walk such as 2 minutes running and 5 minutes of walking. Try to increase the duration of the running whilst reducing the walking time. You will experience rapid gains at this stage and it wont be long before you are able to run for several miles.
Its best to mix up your running routine by running different courses and different distances. This will keep things interesting mentally and offer you a different challenge. When running try to keep your neck and shoulders relaxed and keep your torso straight and upright whilst engaging your stomach muscles. Try to land the feet gracefully not stomping. Most people will land on the heel and roll onto the toe and push off. Other runners will land more on the middle of the foot which may allow you to run more efficiently. Remember to stay nice and relaxed as you will achieve greater speed with less effort.
Remember to stretch out thoroughly after every run or you will lose flexibility and suffer very saw stiff muscles. You will most likely suffer some form of injury when you start running especially if you rush in to quickly. You should seek expert advice on injuries and stop training. Some common problems are shin splints, bad knees or sore hips. Good trainers will help and you can go to a good sports shop for advice when buying trainers. You should not run with shin splints as you can develop a stress fracture and should wait for them to heal.
As with walking I recommend that you perform a couple of sessions a week of resistance training. This will give you a more rounded development and will help with your running as you will have more strength.

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Build a Great Body Without a Gym

Find out how to get six packs and huge, rippling muscles without going to the gym. Let cut right through the chase, spare the cliches and get down to the nitty gritty of building a Greek God body.
Push ups: Pushups are good for building your triceps and pectoral muscle. To get a broad chest, keep your arms at a good distance from each other. Keeping hands closer together will work the inner chest and give a defined line. Positioning hands more than the shoulder length will build your outer muscles. If you are light weight and want more resistance from your body, you can do it by putting your feet atop a table. For maximum muscle development, keep doing the workout till the muscle fails(does not move up anymore for the time being). For pushups, start with the hands in line with the shoulders. Wait for 3 minutes and then move to inner hand position. Then wait another 3 minutes, and go to outer hand position. Wait for 5 minutes and repeat the cycle for about 2 times
Pull-ups: Pull-ups are training exercises that promote the biceps and back muscles to grow quickly, sharp and in a defined manner. For doing pull-ups, find a horizontal pole that you can hang off without the fear of hurting your hands or falling. Most outdoor parks have the rod where you can hang from. When hanging by the rod, the beam or a sturdy branch, keep your arms straight, leave space between the feet and the ground to prevent your feet and ground make contact. Grip the pole in such a manner that the thumbs face out and the hands are slightly more apart than the width of your shoulders.
Gradually lift your body up and bring your face to the pole's level breathing out as you go up. Hold for 10 seconds and bring yourself down till your arms are straight. Pause for a moment and then go up again. Repeat this, till your muscles fail. Do not feel sad or low if your muscles give away quickly. Your muscle strength is actually increasing with pull-ups and it is even more important to make sure that you do not bounce when you come down. Do one set of pull-ups till the muscles fail. Wait for 2 minutes and start again. Do this three times.

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Workout For Women - Some Great Exercises For You To Try

Typically women tend to avoid exercises that revolve around muscle building, and instead focus on activities that are associated with weight loss. Instead of doing more explosive exercises such as lifting weights, it is more common to see women doing long periods of cardiovascular exercise in an effort to lose body fat.
Doing a series of cardiovascular exercises is good if the goal is actually to improve the cardiovascular health. Long periods on the exercise bike or treadmill can strengthen the heart and lungs tremendously, but are not the most efficient exercise for reducing body fat.
One of the typical reasons why women tend to avoid undertaking an upper body workout for women is that it is thought that a direct workout will make the body more bulky rather than slim. This is a quite false way of thinking about these workouts. There are many men who carry out an upper body workout and are unable to achieve a bulky frame. Women, who do not have the quantities of testosterone as men do, would find it even more difficult to have a bulky upper body unless they used performance enhancing drugs. In fact, the most likely outcome of an upper body workout for women is to have a toned upper body, and reduced body fat.
A workout that is focused on weight lifting will increase the amount of muscle - but this will barely be notable. The muscles in the body will become hungrier for energy and will consume more carbohydrates and fat, so that overall, a woman is likely to lose body fat and have a slimmer appearance.
As well as cosmetic improvements from an upper body workout for women, having stronger muscles in this area improves the posture, reduces the chances of back pain and injury, and improves strength for everyday life.
A typical upper body workout for women should focus on the major motions of the upper body. The workout should include push exercises for the chest and shoulders, pull exercises for the back and rear shoulders, and bicep and tricep exercises. You can also include a series of core exercises to improve the strength around the stomach area. Workouts for the upper body need only take around 30 minutes to complete, and only needs to be done once to twice per week to give the body plenty of time to recover. You can also add a cardiovascular element by reducing the time spent in between lifting, and adding more repetitions.
Workouts should be composed of around 6 exercises, with 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions per exercise. Each set should be fairly demanding to complete the last few repetitions without having to resort to bad form or cheating weights up. A sample of a typical workout is given below:
Warm up and stretching 2-3 minutes
Bench Press 10-15 repetitions
Barbell Row 10-15 repetitions
Shoulder Press 10-15 repetitions
Assisted Pull ups 10-15 repetitions
Upright rows 10-15 repetitions
Bicep Curls 10-15 repetitions
Tricep Pushdowns 10-15 repetitions
Abdominal exercises
Repeat routine for final circuit and then warm down. This can be done in addition to cardiovascular exercise for optimum weight loss and losing stomach fat.

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How to Get Rock Hard Abs - Get That Ripped Six Pack Abs Now

If you are here to learn how to get rock hard abs, then put on those reading glasses because you have come to the right place.
In the next few minutes I'm going to talk about the most crucial things that you MUST know if you want to see those abs. First I'm going to talk about proper nutrition, after that you'll discover the secret about proper exercising, finally I'm going to talk about proper eating schedule and how it affect your results. When you're done reading this article you'll know how to get rock hard abs fast.
Why is Proper Nutrition Important?
Proper nutrition is the most important element for getting abs. You wouldn't give a brand new Aston Martin some cheap low-quality fuel would you? No of course not you give it the best quality fuel there is. You need to think exactly the same with your body, you only got one so take care of it.
It doesn't matter how strong abs you got, you won't see them unless you got below 10 % body fat, so instead of only doing sit-ups you should be focusing on burning fat. And it doesn't matter how hard you workout unless you start eating right, proper nutrition is the most important thing for how to get rock hard abs.
Focus on eating as unprocessed food as possible because these kinds of food will naturally increase your metabolism.
What kind of exercise should you be doing?
The biggest mistake people do when they try to get abs is only focusing on working the abs, the abs are small muscles and won't burn much fat, and it's impossible to spot reduce any fat on the body so it's much better to be working the big muscles and the entire body.
Another big mistake people do when trying to figure out how to get rock hard abs is doing low intensity training, yes that kind of training will burn more fat during the workout but high intensity training will make the muscles continue to burn tons of fat for up to 2 days.
At what times should you eat?
Make the meals a little smaller and eat 5 times every day, the response of this will be that your body won't store any more fat. The reason why your body does that is because the intervals between each meal is too long and the body think you have a hard time finding nutrition and will store energy (fat) in case you run out of food.

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Abs With Attitude - Burn Fat and Tone Your Abs

It's a common misconception that banging out abdominal crunches is the quickest way to the perfect six pack, the truth of the matter is there are far more effective ways to sculpt your stomach into that elusive six pack!
Firstly we need to think a little logically about this lets say your Mr or Miss average, you probably have excess fat on your stomach, right?
Quite possibly more than a little, perhaps you're on the overweight side?
So you try the infamous crunches and don't see the desired results, why do you think that is?
Come on think about it a little... yep you're getting there the muscle is developing but the fat is still there and the reason why is crunches won't burn off the fat!
Now I'm not saying crunches are a total waste of time but I will say in my personal experience, they aren't and never will be a part of my exercise routine.
Ok, briefly let's also just say if you're not eating a sensible diet and are filling you're body with junk food and bad fats (and remember not all fats are bad, we actually need fats) then you are really going to struggle to shift that body fat!
Right, back on track, so we know we need to eat a healthy diet and we know we need to burn the fat off our belly, so how are we going to do that, cardio maybe?
That isn't the way I suggest, whilst a small amount of cardio is great for you, it isn't the fastest way to burn fat. That isn't to say "No more cardio" if you enjoy it do it, personally once a week I do 100m sprints and also mountain biking, two cardio pursuits I really enjoy.
What I do suggest for rapid fat loss is strength training using big compound moves using heavy weights, now don't be scared off by this just use weights that are heavy to you, then work up to heavier weights.
So what compound moves do I like to suggest that will really build the muscle, speed up the metabolism and shifting that fat?
• Front squat.
• Back squat.
• Dead lift.
• Dead lift and press.
• Military press.
• Overhand pull ups.
These are great moves to get you started and the brilliant thing is you are using multiple muscles, releasing growth hormone and testosterone into your body and importantly using your core on every exercise, trust me these really are killer fat burning moves!
Now we want to add some extra abs exercises to sculpt our perfect six pack, these are some of my favorites and can be done at just about anywhere, if you're not sure of the correct form for any exercise listed, look them up on you tube.
• Plank.
• Side plank.
• Alternating superman.
• Alternating leg raise.
• Reverse trunk twist.
Combining these power abdominal's with the compound moves will have the fat burning off and the abs forming fast leaving you with a perfect six pack, I would suggest you stick to four workouts a week, Monday and Tuesday with Wednesday as a rest day, workout again Thursday and Friday with the weekend off.
So what are you waiting for?
Get out there and lose that belly, enjoy and keep safe!

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A Heart Healthy Food Secret That Delivers Brain Power

A Great Healthy Heart Diet Secret
Did you know that not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, and that they act very differently in our bodies?
The difference in carbohydrate behavior is ranked by the effect on blood glucose levels. This ranking system is known as the Glycemic Index(GI). Our blood glucose rises and falls when we eat a meal containing carbohydrates. How high it rises and how long it remains high depends on the types of carbcarbohydrates (the GI) and the quantity eaten. The Glycemic Index divides carbohydrate behavior in our bodies into three numerical tiers. High Glycemic Index range is 70 and greater, the medium Glycemic Index range is 56 to 69, and low Glycemic Index range is 55 and below.
Eating a lot of high GI foods can be harmful to your health because it pushes your body to extremes. This is of particular importance if you are overweight and your life style is sedentary.
When you eat a slice cake, the sugar in that treat, also known as a simple carbohydrate is quickly converted to glucose in your bloodstream. Your blood sugar levels rise and spike when simple sugar is eaten alone. If you eat a candy bar for a mid-afternoon snack your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin to move the glucose out of the blood stream and into your cells for energy. As a result, your blood sugar level may drop dramatically. When your blood glucose levels have a very high spike followed by a very low drop you tend to get hungry again. Also low blood sugar can leave you feeling shaky, dizzy, and searching for more sweets to regain that sugar "high." High blood glucose levels can be a threat to your health even if you don't have diabetes. In fact, elevated blood glucose levels within the 'normal' range can damage the blood vessels and circulatory system, increasing the risk of a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, weight gain, and even certain types of cancer. It does so by increasing the production of damaging free radicals and creating oxidative stress and inflammation.
Low GI carbohydrates are the ones that produce low fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels. Switching from high to low GI carbohydrates that slowly trickle (slower gastric emptying time) glucose into your blood stream will not only keep your energy levels balanced, but will also allow you to feel fuller for longer periods of time between meals.
Glucose is your brain's primary fuel source and it needs a steady supply of it throughout the day. Eating that healthy low GI breakfast provides the brain with a more constant level of blood glucose compared with the highs and lows of a high GI breakfast. You can start your day in high gear every day of the week with a healthy low GI breakfast that will nourish and sustain you. Also the effect of a low GI carbohydrate food carries over to the next meal, reducing its glycemic impact. This means that a breakfast eaten after a low GI dinner the previous evening, or a lunch eaten after a low GI breakfast carries an unexpected and beneficial effect that is called the "second meal effect". The experts caution us not to take this information to the extreme, and they recommend that you strive for at least one low GI food per meal. Choosing low GI carbohydrates is one of the secrets to long-term health and reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and the added benefit of sustainable weight loss. Now that you know one of the secrets of a Great Healthy Heart Diet share it and enrich the lives of loved ones and friends.

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Fat Loss via Better Science and Simplicity

It is possible to lose 20 lbs. of bodyfat in 30 days by optimizing any of three factors: exercise, diet, or drug/supplement regimen. I’ve seen the elite implementation of all three in working with professional athletes. In this post, we’ll explore what I refer to as the “slow-carb diet”.

In the last six weeks, I have cut from about 180 lbs. to 165 lbs., while adding about 10 lbs. of muscle, which means I’ve lost about 25 lbs. of fat. This is the only diet besides the rather extreme Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) that has produced veins across my abdomen, which is the last place I lose fat (damn you, Scandinavian genetics). Here are the four simple rules I followed…

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates

Avoid any carbohydrate that is — or can be — white. The following foods are thus prohibited, except for within 1.5 hours of finishing a resistance-training workout of at least 20 minutes in length: bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried food with breading. If you avoid eating anything white, you’ll be safe.

Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again

The most successful dieters, regardless of whether their goal is muscle gain or fat loss, eat the same few meals over and over again. Mix and match, constructing each meal with one from each of the three following groups:

Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
Chicken breast or thigh
Grass-fed organic beef

Black beans
Pinto beans

Mixed vegetables

Eat as much as you like of the above food items. Just remember: keep it simple. Pick three or four meals and repeat them. Almost all restaurants can give you a salad or vegetables in place of french fries or potatoes. Surprisingly, I have found Mexican food, swapping out rice for vegetables, to be one of the cuisines most conducive to the “slow carb” diet.

Most people who go on “low” carbohydrate diets complain of low energy and quit, not because such diets can’t work, but because they consume insufficient calories. A 1/2 cup of rice is 300 calories, whereas a 1/2 cup of spinach is 15 calories! Vegetables are not calorically dense, so it is critical that you add legumes for caloric load.

Some athletes eat 6-8x per day to break up caloric load and avoid fat gain. I think this is ridiculously inconvenient. I eat 4x per day:

10am – breakfast
1pm – lunch
5pm – smaller second lunch
7:30-9pm – sports training
10pm – dinner
12am – glass of wine and Discovery Channel before bed

Here are some of my meals that recur again and again:

Scrambled Eggology pourable egg whites with one whole egg, black beans, and microwaved mixed vegetables
Grass-fed organic beef, pinto beans, mixed vegetables, and extra guacamole (Mexican restaurant)
Grass-fed organic beef (from Trader Joe’s), lentils, and mixed vegetables
Post-workout pizza with extra chicken, cilantro, pineapple, garlic, sundried tomotoes, bell peppers, and red onions

Rule #3: Don’t drink calories

Drink massive quantities of water and as much unsweetened iced tea, tea, diet sodas, coffee (without white cream), or other no-calorie/low-calorie beverages as you like. Do not drink milk, normal soft drinks, or fruit juice. I’m a wine fanatic and have at least one glass of wine each evening, which I believe actually aids sports recovery and fat-loss. Recent research into resveratrol supports this.

Rule #4: Take one day off per week

I recommend Saturdays as your “Dieters Gone Wild” day. I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 5, and all of my other vices in excess. I make myself a little sick and don’t want to look at any of it for the rest of the week. Paradoxically, dramatically spiking caloric intake in this way once per week increases fat loss by ensuring that your metabolic rate (thyroid function, etc.) doesn’t downregulate from extended caloric restriction. That’s right: eating pure crap can help you lose fat. Welcome to Utopia.


If you enjoyed this post, check out my latest book, The 4-Hour Body, #1 New York Times and #1 Amazon bestseller. You will learn: the finer details of the Slow Carb Diet (outlined in the above post), how I gained 34 pounds of muscle in 28 days, how to produce 15-minute female orgasms, and more.

You can also get the Expanded and Updated 4-Hour Workweek, which includes more than 50 new case studies of luxury lifestyle design, business building, reducing hours 80%+, and world travel.
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Guide For Six Pack Abs

The truth is, for most people getting six pack abs is not an easy task because it requires dedication and motivation... but it is possible! Below is a general 2-step guide that, if followed religiously for 3 months, will improve your abs.
Step 1: Nutrition
This is the single most important part of the puzzle, hands down. You can have the most impressive set of abs, but if they're covered with a layer of fat, you won't see them! Break up your day with 5 or 6 mini-meals because this jump starts your metabolism.
And stop eating the food that is preventing you from seeing your abs:
-white bread
-fast food
-hydrogenated oils
-fructose corn syrup
Instead, eat the foods that will help you reach your six pack goal:
-olive oil
-whole grain breads
-natural peanut butter
-green tea
Be realistic - you'll slip here and there, but make a conscious effort to improve your eating habits. Without good nutrition, getting a true six pack will be impossible.
Step 2: Exercise
You need to focus on 3 different exercises: cardio, weightlifting and ab exercises. And aim to workout 4 times per week (definitely a minimum of 3 times per week). The cardio you do can be anything: walking, running, biking, swimming...whichever cardio you don't mind doing so you stick with it.
The trick is to do the cardio in bursts because it will burn fat fast. For example, if you're running, walk for one minute and then sprint for 15 seconds and repeat 10 times. Perform this type of interval cardio 2 times per week.
Lifting weights is important because 3 pounds of added muscle burns as many calories as a 1 mile jog...and this is while you're just sitting around! Aim for 30-45 minutes, 2 times per week.
The last exercise you need to add to your workout are ab exercises. Aim to work your abs 3 times per week. There are a lot of different ab exercises you can do so try to find 3 or so that you enjoy doing and mix it up.
Tip: mix up your workout routine every 2 weeks to keep your body guessing and improving. Add or take away different weightlifting or ab exercises, or at the very least, vary the weight and reps you do.
Well, there you have it. Follow the above for 3 months, and while results will vary from person to person, you will see an improvement in your abs. And keep in mind that dedication and motivation will go a long way to helping you reach your goal of having six pack abs.

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Best Weight Loss Plan

How to Find the Right Weight Loss Plan
If you are among the millions of people who struggle with their weight, you may have had a hard time settling on a weight loss plan that really works. There are so many different products and plans out there that all claim to offer the best results. How can you develop a weight loss plan that will finally help you get rid of those extra pounds? This article can help.
It is important to make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Don't try to lose a hundred pounds in two months, or plan to run a marathon in the next year if you can barely walk to the corner. Instead, set realistic goals that you will be able to achieve so that you are not disappointed.
You should also distinguish between your long-term and your short-term goals, and make sure that they do not conflict with each other. Each short-term goal that you achieve should represent real progress toward one of your long-term goals. As you achieve more and more short-term goals, you can revise your long-term goals to be more ambitious if you are doing particularly well.
As you work, keep your goals in mind and focus on them. Try to remove any distractions from your life that will prevent you from being fully committed to your goals. The more focused and motivated you are, the more likely you will be to reach your goals and achieve that ideal body that you have always wanted.
It is important to remember that weight loss does not happen instantly. You are not going to wake up the next day and suddenly weigh twenty or thirty pounds less. Weight loss requires real effort over a long period of time. If you want to be able to keep the weight off for the rest of your life, you have to be willing to make real changes to your lifestyle so that you do not fall into bad habits.
When you choose a weight loss plan, you are not making a lifetime commitment to it. If one plan is not giving you the results you need, feel free to make any adjustments that you need and see if those work better for you. If you are just not happy with a plan after a while, try a different one. The important thing is to commit yourself to the goal of good health, not to stick to a single plan even if it does not work well for you.
To successfully lose the weight and get yourself in better shape, you need to have a plan that will really work. If you do not know what you are doing, it is all too easy to get trapped in a cycle of rapid weight loss followed by equally rapid weight gain. By using the ideas in the preceding article, you can finally get rid of that extra weight and keep it off over the long-term.

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Unfortunately for most of us, losing weight is a lot harder than it looks on an infomercial or website; it actually takes many changes in thinking and lifestyle to accomplish. You need commitment and good information to follow. Learn what changes need to be made in your life, and finally shed those unwanted pounds by reading the following article.
1. Get yourself motivated. You cannot simply list "lose weight" on your list of things to do today and half-heartedly expect it to happen. Nor can you skip a few rounds of dessert and magically shrink down to size; you must recognize all of the reasons you need to lose weight, such as being heart-healthy, more attractive and physically capable in life, and let all of those things light a serious fire under you. You've got to really want this!
2. Find a good plan. Most people who successfully lose weight have adopted some plan to follow, be it eating or exercise or both. Scour the internet, talk to your physician or pick brains at the gym to find what plan will work best for your needs and lifestyle. You need to immerse yourself completely in this new plan for it to work, so make sure it's quite doable for you.
3. Set realistic goals. The last thing you need to do while taking on such an important task as getting to a healthy weight is discourage yourself; many people find themselves ready to give up because they did not reach lofty goals. Aim for modest goals, especially in the beginning, and keep your target weight loss per week very healthy and attainable.
4. Don't deprive yourself completely, just be more moderate. Within reason, it's okay to still enjoy the foods you love and the television shows you can't live without. However, overindulging on either will be too counterproductive to your weight loss initiative, so be reasonable! Serve yourself moderate portions of good food, allow yourself small indulgences occasionally and, although it's okay to enjoy relaxing with the TV, don't make a prolonged habit out of it.
5. Reward yourself, just not with food. People tend to eat emotionally, and since that may be one of the reasons you are overweight to begin with, try not to resume that habit. Instead, pat yourself on the back with a new outfit or home entertainment equipment or maybe a weekend getaway. Relish in your accomplishment, and let it push you forward to the next goal!
6. Make it a lifestyle, not just a temporary program. If you gradually return to your old ways, there is no doubt that you will gradually return to your old weight! Learn to avoid this very common mistake by incorporating the healthy and wise elements of your weight loss program into everyday life. Keep portions moderate, count calories and stay physically active. Doing this should keep you at your goal weight, smiling and full of energy!
Anyone who loses weight successfully and tells you it was easy is just plain fibbing! As you can see by the advice above, it takes a lot of effort and persistence to shed unwanted weight, and serious dedication to keep it off. But hopefully, that is exactly what you will now be able to do!

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Three Basic Elements If You Want Six Pack Abs

Today's graphic media, including magazines, television, movies, and video, have educated the masses that having "Six-Pack Abs" is the way to go. They're sexy, stylish, and an outward sign of physical fitness. Not to have them means you're gross, a fat slob. Just look how many sites there are trying to sell you secret ways to six-pack abs without this or that difficulty. I Google'd today "6 pack abs," and out of 16 million sites they present to you some 900, and all of them, from the beginning through to the end, are titled "six-pack abs," and not "six-pack beer," and not "six seat cabs." Hey, look at yourself here reading my article!
But the truth is, that whatever your interest to build muscles and six-pack abs may be, one thing is for sure, it is healthy. A beer-belly, well, let's be nice -- excess fat tissue around the midsection, is a risk factor for many diseases that you want to avoid. So it says on WebMD and many other authoritative sites. Over 60% of Americans are overweight and over 30% are obese, and to rid yourself of midsection excess fat can save your life, sexy or not sexy.
Another aspect of bad health due to being overweight is mental health. There's no denying it, many people are depressed nowadays, and being overweight plays a significant role. One of the symptoms of a person who starts getting into shape is that he starts feeling good about himself.
Therefore, I agree with the media that Six-Pack Abs is the way to go, but not because of what they say, "be sexy, not disgusting." Rather be healthy, live long, live life for the fullest, (and if you're also sexy that's an added plus).
There are many sites that offer "how to" guidance to get into shape, lose unwanted extra fat, and to build muscle. My site also does. But no site and no advice will help if you don't want it yourself. The advertisements show you a before and after picture without showing you the work that the person had to do in order to get from here to there. But there is no mincing words, yes, it takes work, dedication, and perseverance.
I know someone, someone close to me, that had open heart surgery in his early fifties. He went to rehab, and when they told him that he must get in to a regimen of walking and exercise, he listened to what they told him, and he religiously started walking daily for years. The consequences were severe, to avoid walking and exercising, to go back to his inactive lifestyle, put him at a risk of death.
Not everybody has the inner motivation to internalize that it is either life or death. Or if not literally "death," then something like that -- risk of disease, risk of depression, risk of social relationship failure. You must have the dedication, or to inspire yourself to the dedication, that to be overweight and not in shape is not an option at any cost.
There is a video over there at WebMD which talks about the risks of being overweight where a doctor says, "if I could have only one sign on my door, it would be, "It's never too late to start..."
Start today. Go out for a brisk walk for 20 minutes. And start thinking about how you want to get in to a fitness regimen. Start looking around for the available gyms, start looking around for the available trainers, talk to your spouse about taking walks together. Just begin and want to continue.
These are the three elements that you need to know if you want Six-Pack Abs.

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How To Build Abs Fast In The Right Way - 3 Essential Steps To Help You Get Started

I often hear people asking how to build abs fast and get ripped. And you must be wondering is there really a way to build abs fast? The answer is "YES" by following the 3-steps system below you will be on the right track to get your abs in no time. And I want to emphasize here that the fastest way is to start doing it right at the beginning.
1. Body Fat Measurement - First thing first, in order for anyone of us to get those sexy abs to start appearing on our body we must first cut down our body fat percentage to at least 13 percent or lower for men and, 20 percent or lower for women.
This means before you do anything please go to your local gym and get a body fat measurement to see how much body fat you have on your existing body. You will then have a clear picture on how much fat you need to lose.
We can now start planning proper workout plan and diet plan that best fit for you. Hence forth we can track your progression from time to time, meaning if you've done whatever you think you should and still not seeing the result, than you know something went wrong. You should correct and revise what you did wrong.
2. Right Exercises - You need to learn appropriate exercises on how to build abs fast, e.g. after burn exercise, cardio exercises and weight training exercise.
So far the most effective exercise is after burn exercise. It helps you to burn calories even after you finish workout. It silently continues to burn calories for as long as 48 hours (depends on how long and what exercises you do). One of the tricks is to target as many muscle groups as possible during the workout session (without breaks) for 20 - 30 minutes. For example you can include jump squats, burpees, dumbbell chest press, push up, barbell squats, leg press and more in one workout session. Just select a medium weight dumbbell or any prop suitable for you. The rule is to keep moving from exercise to exercise with 10 -12 repetition for each type of exercise. Repeat the entire session 2-3 times. Remember to breathe properly when exercise and do not rush.
Once you have lower your body fat to a certain low percentage and have a flat stomach, then you can start doing sit up and crunches to workout on your abs.
And one important advice, never ever do sit up or crunches if you have fat belly. It will get even bigger once your abs muscle growing bigger from the inside of your tummy that is covered with fat. Imagine adding 2 - 3 inches more on your waist line.
3. Eat Right - Last but not least, we all know that eating the right food or diet plays a huge impact not only on increasing the results for building abs fast but also help us stay healthy and energetic always. The key factors are to avoid fatty foods and saturated sugar after the workouts (especially within 1 hour after workout). This will spoil all your hard work in a second as your body will absorb everything you consume more effectively than usual.
Generally, you must remember to drink more water to keep your-self hydrated and get out of hungry mode. By doing this you will give yourself more energy and also to avoid eating more. Once you are eating less you consume lesser calories, with lesser calories in your body meaning lesser fat will be stored. And this will directly lower down your body fat in no time and will help get the flat abs or ripped abs faster.
I hope you love what you read so far and get the idea on how to build abs fast. You have just learnt three proven strategies that you can use immediately. Be sure to use these proven strategies because they do work and i personally have used them successfully to help lower down my body fat and get a flat abs within a month
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The Truth With Working Out and Abs

Imagine this: you are already able to max out the ab machines in your local gym. You do abdominal exercises every other day; or every day. And you still don't see them! The reason for this is because there is adipose tissue (fat) that is covering your abdominal muscles. It's the same reasoning as to why you may not see your bicep muscles - due to a higher fat percentage. You then realize that doing bicep curls will not cause them to protrude the fat tissue and that the same goes for your abs.
The reason abs are so in tune with weight loss today is because most of us store body fat in our midsection FIRST and LAST! We've come so far nowadays in the fitness industry that we are able to offer convenience in every shape and form. Gyms are popping up at every corner and infomercials are sprawling on every channel. So the question to you is: If all of these diet pills and magical transforming pieces of equipment off your television made you look amazing... why are we still having an obesity epidemic???
Infomercials will release the "brand new" ab machine; however, what becomes of the end result? Let's look at some examples:
Magic Weight Loss Pills
Weight loss pills you buy in infomercials and in vitamin stores DO NOT work to slim you down as you carry on with your life. They aren't magic! Don't skip out on your personal training and exercise program and believe in magic!
Magic Exercise Equipment
The body isn't magic, and neither is the equipment you use. Yes, something such as the ab rocker works the abdominal muscles and may very well build them BUT it doesn't remove body fat! You can't expect to do abs a couple times a week and lose 20-50 pounds!
The Truth
The truth of the matter is that we don't live in a magical, fairytale world. We live by well-branded, well-advertised marketing campaigns with Photoshopped images and videos. When it comes to your personal training routine, you want to have it designed so that you are maximizing your weight loss. You can't build abs doing just ab exercises. To do so, you should train evenly and work all of your muscles. That being said, where does something like an ab lounge come into play? Training your abs for 8 minutes a day will give you the body you desire? No way! Get an exercise regiment and follow it CONSISTENTLY! DO NOT fall off your exercise program, do not stop personal training, and keep yourself motivated.
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Six Pack Abs Fast - Some Great Secrets To Getting A Great Six Pack Fast!

While some people think it takes years to get a great six pack, the truth is that you can get a great six pack much faster with the right nutrition, the right exercises and the right tools! Today, our bodybuilding experts are going to give you some great secrets to getting a great six pack fast!
Focus On All Parts Of Your Abs
One of the most important parts to getting a great six pack is to focus on all parts of your abs with your exercises. You want to focus on your upper abs, your lower abs as well as your obliques. In order to do this it's really important to incorporate a large variety of exercises into your workout and utilize them all together in order to really maximize your results.
Leg raises, crunches and sit ups, crunches and sit ups on a decline, as well as side crunches can really help you when getting a great six pack!
Of course one of the major keys to getting a great six pack is nutrition. By having great nutiriton, you can really speed up the process and get great results much faster. Eating foods that are low in fat as well as high in vitamins and minerals can really help you get a great six pack much faster.
When it comes to carbs, it's best to focus on eating foods that offer complex carbs rather than simple carbs, as your body will have a much better and easier time turning these complex carbs into energy which is a huge benefit for you!
Distance Running
Distance running can help you to get an incredible six pack or even eight pack faster by helping you to shred fat, helping with great cardio and of course by getting you in better shape overall. Distance running is great to incorporate into your workout and your routine, it can really make a big difference in a variety of ways and augment the effectiveness of your program in combination with the other steps listed here!
Sprinting And Hill Sprints
Sprinting and hill sprints can help you to get a six pack or eight pack much faster for a variety of reasons. They help you to shred fat but it's much more than that, they increase the body's natural metabolism, which helps you to get a great six pack or eight pack even when you're not in the gym and you're not working out or running!
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Weight Loss Quick Tips - 4 Health and Fitness Tips

When it boils down to it we all need to adopt healthy habits. Obesity is a serious problem. Especially in the Westernized world. More and more people are being declared obese by their doctors. Of course this opens the door for the big pharmaceutical companies to come up with new pills, powders and shakes that will supposedly help you shed a million pounds overnight. None of these magic pills and potions work.
It's time we all start taking responsibility for ourselves and take our health more seriously. Far too many people are dying due to obesity related diseases. It has to stop. Here are 4 very simple health and fitness tips we should all start living by.
Health & Fitness Tip #1 - Start Drinking More Water
Water is extremely important to your overall health. Not only does it keep you hydrated and ensure your vital organs continue to function and operate, but it also help you lose weight by ridding your body of toxins and excess fat. Too many of us are borderline dehydrated. That means our bodies are basically working overtime trying to flush out all the toxins and junk. So drink more water. It does a body good.
Health & Fitness Tip #2 - Eat More Often Throughout The Day
When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape you want to eat more and not less. I know this sounds counter intuitive but hear me out. Most of use grew up on the whole eat 3 square meals a day bit. And while that isn't bad advice, it also isn't the best advice when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape.
If you truly want to lose weight you will need to up the number of times you eat during the day. Notice I didn't say up the amount of food you eat. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day you should eat 5 or 6 small meals. By doing this you will rev up your metabolism and cause your body to burn more calories all throughout the day. So start the day off with a nice healthy breakfast. This will help set the tone and get your body ready to burn the fat.
Health & Fitness Tip #3 - Get Out And Get Some Exercise
Something as simple as a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood will have a profound affect on your health. By getting regular exercise you will keep your heart and your joints strong. You will also prevent certain diseases from occurring. If you are currently out of shape just start off with something simple. Next time you have the option to take the elevator or the stairs, choose the stairs.
Next time you go to the grocery store park as far back as you can. Don't ride around looking for a close spot. Park far in the back so you can get a little exercise in. You don't need to join a gym and pay a monthly fee to get exercise on a daily basis. Just be creative and most importantly have fun. Run around with the kids or play a game on the kinect with them. Anything that gets you moving is a good idea.
Health & Fitness Tip #4 - Find A Way To Stay Motivated
Losing weight and getting in shape is not easy. Especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. That's why it is very important that you find ways to keep yourself motivated and on track. The first thing you should do to stay motivated is determine your "why". Why do you want to lose the weight and get in shape? Do you want to make sure you around to see your grandkids grow up?

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Health and Fitness: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Begin your day with a morning meal:
Yes, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast refuels your body after a long night without food. It will help you focus at work and keep you energized! It's simple to prepare breakfast that consists of cold cereals, fruit and low-fat dairy, whole-wheat toast with peanut butter... even lean meat (yes, last night's chicken will work too).
Start Moving!
It's easy to work fitness into your daily routine. Walk your dog, fly a kite, ride a horse (if you have one), bicycle or jog... anything--just start your day with some activity and you'll be rewarded.
Take a 10-minute break every hour while you work on the computer or when you watch TV. Using the stairs instead of taking the elevator is an excellent way to get fit and burn extra calories. Start out by trying to follow these suggestions for at least a half day and build from there.
Help your heart push harder and be stronger by working up a sweat! You'll look and feel better too. Start with a warm-up to stretch your muscles. Include at least 20 minutes of cardio exercise such as swimming, running or walking. Follow-up with an activity that helps you build muscle... try push-ups or lifting weights. Be sure to cool down by stretching or doing yoga.
Get fit with your family and friends:
Being active is much more fun with your family and friends too. Encourage other family members to be a part of your plan and stick with it. Plan at least one special exercise event, like a riding bikes, riding horses or even climbing. Work as team to achieve results!
Smart snack choices:
Snacks are an excellent way to refuel your body. Choose foods from different groups--a glass of low-fat dairy, whole grain crackers, an apple, peanut butter, raisins or even dry cereal. Choose 2 to 3 snacks per day to keep hunger in check. Here's a quick guide to daily food choices:
Fats, Oils, and Sweets (sparingly) / Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese (2-3 servings) / Vegetables (3-5 servings) / Meat, Poultry, Fish, Beans, Eggs, and Nuts (2-3 servings) / Fruits (2-4 servings) / Breads, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta (6-11 servings)
Eat more grains, fruit and veggies and balance your diet:
All of these foods provide your body with power, natural vitamins, nutritional value and fiber. Besides... they taste great! You just have to be sensible about how often and how much you eat. Your body needs protein, carbohydrates, fat and a variety of natural foods with vitamin C and A. Checking the nutrition facts on food labels will help you get the best nutritional value possible.
Make physical activity and healthy eating fun!
Take advantage of activities your family and friends can enjoy doing together--try new things! Besides getting healthy, you create a lasting bond. Try new foods, activities, and even games to stay mentally focused and physically strong. The key to success--set realistic g
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10 Top Body Fitness Tips - Reach For Success Quickly!

Becoming fit is a top priority on most peoples' wish list. The problem is that many do not follow through with their fitness plans and thus fail within the first 3 months of starting a new fitness plan or routine. However when they manage to turn into a regular routine and they stick with it, eventually exercising turns into a habit.
Then something marvellous happens after a number of months - People will start noticing definite improvements in the way they exercise and most importantly they actually see the results in the mirror, seeing the results gives you the will to continue on with the tough exercise regime.
Here are ten straightforward ideas to help you with your health and fitness plan, these body fitness tips will help you succeed quicker.
1. Be Active... Get Yourself Moving!
Decide to be really energetic take up a wide range of physical activities that will actually create muscle, improve cardio efficiency and physical strength.
2. Dig Deep... Find Your Energy Levels.
Look to work on physical exercises that involve using the bigger muscle groups of your entire body, thus obtaining better fitness overall.
3. Let Your Muscles... Walk The Talk.
Use your body exercise routine to work those muscles, keep lifting those kilos and employ resistance workout routines to put your muscles through their paces.
4. Take It Easy... Chill Man!
Warm up properly, you will need to stretch those muscles regularly and efficiently - especially before and after your fitness training, stretching is also very beneficial during regular exercise. Make sure to work on moving your muscle mass over it's full-range consistently.
5. Succeed In Losing Weight...
Decide on the weight levels you are looking to achieve it is a good idea to have a target to aim for. In cases where you want to shed considerable weight, a broad rule to follow would be to eat less and workout a lot more (all in controlled situations and in moderation of course).
6. Watch Your Eating Habits!
Consume your daily food intake for fitness sensibly. First-rate nutrition is equal to a sound body. An excellent eating routine includes giving your entire body all the required vitamins and minerals in appropriate volumes. Do this correctly it will save you an awful lot of sweat and tears!
7. Relaxation Point.
Determine to maintain certain situations of your life in proper perspective look at things from varying standpoints. Understand that you will not be able to completely control certain aspects of life. Do not feel "overwhelmed" about things that you are unable to change.
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Simple Fitness Tips to Accommodate All Lifestyles

An area that every single person should be concerned with is their fitness. When it comes to this, it's important that your decisions are sound. If you are struggling to maintain a good fitness routine, read the following article for some ideas.
First, it is important to incorporate some cardiovascular exercises into your fitness regimen. This is important for numerous reasons. First, it ensures that your heart remains strong and healthy. Second, it helps you lose fat or maintain your current weight. Because your heart rate is elevated with cardio exercise, it is proven to be of the best weight-loss methods. You may think that cardio is simply running outside or on a treadmill, but the truth is there are so many other things you can do to get a good cardio workout. For instance, you could try riding a bike outside, playing a sport, or even just dancing to your favorite songs. All can help elevate your heart rate, increasing your metabolism. If you have bad joints, you should consider using an elliptical machine, which has been proven to be one of the best weight-loss machines for those with weak joints. Cardio workouts can be accomplished virtually anytime and anywhere.
Although cardio exercise is extremely important, you should not forget to include some resistance training as well. This is important for building lean muscle, which helps to keep your metabolism high and burn off fat. Although you may be afraid of resistance training because you do not want to get bulky, you should not let this stop you. Although it is true that resistance training can do this to you, it won't if you maintain a healthy diet and incorporate some cardio workouts as well. In fact, if you don't do resistance training, you could end up burning a lot of muscle as well as fat, which can cause you to look deathly sick. If you are prone to injury, you don't even have to use weights. You can use your own body weight, such as push-ups or pull-ups, to do resistance training.
Make sure you don't forget to workout the lower back. Many weightlifters focus on the "mirror muscles", such as the chest, shoulders, and biceps. However, all parts of the body should be worked out, and that includes your lower back. If you fail to workout this part of your body, it will get weak. When you have a weak lower back, you are prone to serious injury. Lower back injury is a very serious matter that can be prevented by working it out. Try doing some superman's and lat pull-downs to workout this muscle.
Whenever you workout regularly, it's important that you eat right. This includes eating before and after your workout. About an hour before your workout, you should consume a light snack that contains long-lasting carbohydrates, such as brown rice, oatmeal, or a whole-wheat bagel. Include some protein as well. After your workout, you should consume foods with a higher glycemic index because your body needs fast-absorbing carbohydrates during this time, especially if your workout was intense. These foods include white rice, mashed potatoes, and cereal. Also, make sure you include protein. Protein is an important macronutrient for a healthy body.
When working out, it's important not to just do a workout whenever you have free time. If you are a busy person, you will probably struggle to find free time and make an excuse that you're too busy. Instead, set a time for your workouts and stick with them, no matter what. It really doesn't matter what time of the day you workout, just as long as you actually do it. If you workout best in the early morning before work, do it. If the best time for you to workout is after work, then do that. Just make sure you incorporate a workout into your day somewhere.
Finally, keep in mind the golden rule whenever you are in the middle of your workout: always breathe. Never hold your breath. This is important for many reasons. First, you can get dizzy and faint if you do not breathe. Second, your muscles require oxygen in order to function. In order to receive oxygen, you have to breathe. Breathing deeply can actually help you get through extremely difficult workouts. Remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be difficult. Utilize the tips provided above, and you can plan out your fitness regime with success.
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Five Fitness Tips That Every Woman Should Know

Women, unlike men face specific issues when it comes to fitness. From muffin tops to bulging lower abdomens to back wings to flabby arms, women have various body issues that they need to battle out. This is why women and men have different fitness routines because they have different problems to address. So for the women out there, let me share to you some health tips that you should know and incorporate to your fitness routines.
1. Good pacing and consistency is the key. Don't feel bad if you think you're not doing enough. There may be times that your schedule won't allow you to workout, don't worry too much about that. What's important is that you are committed and consistent to whatever fitness program you are into. Working out twice a week is fine as long as you do it regularly.
2. Take note of the goals that you've achieved. Focus on your fitness successes. If your goal is to lose weight, take note of how many pounds you lose, let's say, in a week. Focus on what you've achieved and use that as a new starting point until you reach your target weight.
3. Don't focus on just one type of exercise. Many women start their fitness routines with cardio exercises. While there is nothing wrong about that, it is best to mix up your routine from time to time. In one workout session make sure to have a combination of strength, cardio and flexibility exercises to get good results. This also prevents you from hitting a plateau so your workouts will always be effective.
4. Don't overexercise. If you think that you'll lose more weight if you workout for extended periods of time, then you're wrong. Unknown to many, working out for hours won't give any beneficial effect to your body. As a matter of fact, one hour at a time is enough to have an efficient workout. Exercising over extended periods of time can actually cause more harm to your body. It'll just strain your muscles and cause extreme fatigue.
5. Keep an eye on your heart rate. Many women tend to overlook their heart rate when working out. Ideally, women should workout at 75 to 85 percent of their maximum heart rate. If your heart rate is too low, then it means you are not working to your full potential. High heart rate, on the other hand, means that you are pushing yourself to a dangerous level.

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